Senior Pastor: Jay Jackson
Jay Jackson has been pastor at MBC since February 2005. Jay graduated from Southeastern Bible College in 1979. In 2001 Jay received a Masters in Christian Counseling from Luther Rice Seminary. Then in 2008 he received his doctorate from Masters International Divinity School in Biblical Studies. Jay believes in the verse by verse expositional preaching of God’s word. Jay also is associated with Grace Solutions International formerly the Wales Goebel Ministry where he has served since 1972. He and his wife of 36 years, Cindy, have three married children, Kara, Timothy, and Brooke and seven grandchildren.

Young Adult Pastor / Assistant Pastor: Jeremiah Napier
Jeremiah Napier serves MBC by leading our young adult ministry which involves teaching, organizing summer mission trips and camp opportunities. He also serves MBC as assistant pastor through pastoral care and preaching. He received his Bachelor of Science at Pensacola Christian College in 2009 and a Masters of Arts at Liberty University in 2011. Jeremiah and his wife Whitney have been married since 2011 and have one adopted daughter, Hallee Joy.

Minister of Music: Chuck Streets
Chuck Streets has served as Minister of Music at MBC since November of 2009. He has been involved in music ministry since his childhood singing in choirs and ensembles, as a soloist, a worship leader and accompanist. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Montevallo where he was involved in student ministry with Campus Outreach. Chuck and his wife Lynn met in Sunday school and married in 1990. They have three sons, (Charles, Will, Benjamin) and three daughters, (Annesley, Mary, Lily).
Dr. Jay Jackson, Chuck Streets, Ken McClure, and Jeremiah Napier

Jim Brown, Brad Deuel, Adam Liming, Ernest Thomas